Wednesday, January 14, 2009

'We the People' preamble, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights Reading Response

Susan B. Anthony once said:

"It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less."
The Declaration of Independence & the Bill of Rights, some of the most celebrated documents in America, were written by a group of white, Christian, heterosexual males. Whenever the words Men and people are used in the text, it always refers to males (white, Christian, land-owning, heterosexual). Women, children, and slaves, were not considered as equals when these documents were being created. It wasn't until these subordinate groups protested to gain the same rights as these dominant males that these texts were considered to refer to them as well in terms of "equality". Of course, full equality, the kind people can only dream of, does not exactly exist yet, but it certainly has made progress. I think it hasn't always crossed my mind before, because I've always assumed that when the documents like the Declaration of Independence mention, equal, men, and people, it covers men and women alike. I guess its important to realize these facts because these founding documents were so one-sided and the struggles to change that is a part of our history and contributes to our social location and identiy (which we read about in other chapters).

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to think about, especially when so many politicians emphasize that we interpret the constitution how our for fathers meant it to be interpreted. If we did go by what they originally intended we would still be stuck in an extremely unequal society. I think this alone proves the importance of interpreting the constitution as a living document that keeps changing with the times. It doesn't mean drastic changes it just means making the changes that make our country more of the democracy its supposed to be. If we aren't giving the whole population representation and equal opportunity than we aren't exactly being all that democratic.
