Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love Feminism but Where's my Hip-Hop?

Let's face it, hip-hop culture is continually expanding and continues gaining popularity. Take a look at your own social circles. How many people you know are fans of the music, clothing, or swagger of hip-hop? Hip-hop is becoming a way of life -- slang keeps evolving and has become its own language; hip-hop inspired clothing and style has become a way for people to express themselves.

Like other cultures, the hip-hop culture is very male dominated. From producers to the artists themselves, men seem to be in charge. These male artists continue making music dealing with sex, drugs, money, and fame. I lose track of how many songs degrade women and support a patriarchal and materialistic society. Terms like "ho" have been used so freely in mainstream hip-hop that it has been desensitized (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUq1hWELKd0). I've noticed a lot of younger kids using these terms, oblivious to the significance of it. It bothers me to think of what other offensive terms will be desensitized next.

Also, in a lot of the hip-hop music videos, women make appearances, but not in a way that empowers them. Women in these videos are merely objects who serve a purpose to be eye candy for the male audience. Female bodies are put in the backgrounds to shake and wear almost nothing. Younger females see these images that they feel that guys are in to and these girls buy into it. Some attempt to imitate it, and it becomes popular to do so. It amazes me how hip-hop easily influences.

In the article, it is mentioned how femists have been able to take a stand in their music. Salt n Pepa, for example, have empowered themselves with their song lyrics. The way in which some of these female artists empower themselves, though, is through their sex appeal. I mean, it is good that they are finding empowerment, but to have to resort to using sex appeal to do so seems to take away from what they are trying to do. Sometimes, What is it with this obsession over sex, drugs, money, and fame? What about the other things in life. I feel like I've grown a deeper appreciation for the artists who are breaking boundaries. I like the artists who are talking about other topics and the female artists empowering themselves.

Can't Hold Us Down -- Christina Aguilera


  1. I enjoyed reading your response for I share many of the same beliefs. I believe that the slang that is used in hip-hop culture has been desensitized to the point where it does not even hold its original value. This is an issue for those who are not accustomed to the new definitions of the words, may be offended if they are used towards them. I also believe that hip-hop artists used their power and influence to cause this change in terminology so that words that may have originally offended them or were improper to use now hold less vaulue to them.

    Next, women who are trying to bridge out of the norm of hip-hop but still wear provocative clothing are an oxymoron in themselves. It doesn't make sense to try to prove that women are equal, but then wear degrading items. This sends a mixed image to those listening and/or watching the music, and therefore they do not understand the real meaning behind the lyrics.

    Lastly, let's face it, the hip-hop industry is dominated by males. They control the images that are displayed, the lyrics that are sang, the people within the music videos, and the clothing that is worn. Men dig into their fantasies to portray a scene that depicts their desires. In doing this, they force those within the industry to conform to their ideals, and so they do not have as much power. This concept is startling because many women are in the industry, however, they do not fight back against this injustice.

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